Workout your brain with crosswords puzzles
Many people will experience memory loss in their life. It is often a very frustrating experience and often a very discouraging occurrence. Luckily, a good mental workout each day is all it could take to improve your brains mental ability. Here are three surprisingly fun ways to keep your mind in shape.
One of the most powerful memory boosting exercises you can do for your brain is crossword puzzles. That's right! Making your brain stronger is as simple as giving it more exercises to perform. And one of the more effective routines of exercise you can give your brain is a good crossword puzzle. Keep in mind that you want to avoid frustration while doing puzzles. If they are not enjoyable then you'll want to quit doing them. Therefore, it's a good idea to use a method that will keep you interested. We suggest you to buy a book containing beginner/intermediate level crosswords. These crosswords will be easy to do and they will provide you with an immediate payoff on completion. Once you become good at doing a crosswords or two each day then you can graduate to more difficult ones.
A fantastic way to give the brain a vigorous workout each day is to undertake the study of a foreign language. Like crossword puzzles, learning a new language can really help whip your brain into shape. Which language you choose is not important. You might consider, however, choosing a language that you have some level of interest in. This will keep you from becoming bored. There are many free resources online that you can use for language study. There are also several language programs that you can purchase. Some of them may be a little expensive, but your intention is not simply to learn a language but to exercise your brain.
So now you are getting a good idea of some of the fun ways that you can keep your brain in shape. Who would have guessed that exercising the brain could be so fun it certainly isn't like jogging 5 miles or lifting weights. Here is another fun way to maintain the sharpness of that new role between your ears. Ever attempt to complete a Sudoku puzzle before? It's a numbers game played on a 9 x 9 grid. The goal is to have the numbers one through nine at appearing only once in each column and each row. Play one game of Sudoku and you will be hooked.
You get the picture now. If none of the games and puzzles above entries to, then simply thumbed through a comprehensive puzzle book until you find some puzzles you like. Once you find some puzzles you are interested in, see if there are whole books devoted to them. Puzzles may bore you quickly. If so, simply change a puzzle each week. As long as your brain is engaged it is getting a workout.
According to General Psychology Textbooks, learning is described as the process of having one's behavior modified, more or less permanently, by what happens in the worlds around him, by what he, or by what he observes. It is any change in behavior that results from experience except changes which are due to injury or psychological adjustments such as sensory adaptation and muscular fatigue.
Learning has been prove to be a kind of exercise. The more we practice or exercise, the more we develop our muscle mass. It is the same thing for the brain as well, when we start learning, deterioration is prevented, including further intellectual loss. We learn we remember.
Human thinking is considered as the most outstanding development of psychological evolution. Cognitive processes play a significant role in man's capacity for complex learning. Cognition is very close to knowledge and/or understanding. It also includes the process of perceiving, recognizing, judging, and reasoning. In learning of complicated motor skills and problem solving, the cerebral hemispheres are stimulated and activated.
The theory of mental discipline's essence is that the mind inherently contains all the attributes or faculties and that the primary task of education is to bring them forth in the exercise of acquiring knowledge. It is assumed that the harder this knowledge to acquire is the better its acquisition trains the mind. Take note that the transfer of information is assumed to be automatic and universal because the training of the mind is general.
The more we solve equations, the more we answer Sudoku, the more we fill up crossword puzzles, the more information we retain, and the more training our brain gets.
One theory assumes that learning leaves an iota of trace in the brain. This memory trace is characterized by physical change. As time goes by, the metabolic processes of the brain brought about a decay of the memory traces, and consequently, the traces of the material once learned gradually disintegrate and eventually disappear. Remembering is to reinstate a previous experience, to recall or produce what was learned previously. For Hillgard, it is "to show in present responses some signs of earlier learned process. “Types of remembering include recall. Recall is simply bringing back to conscious memory matters previously considered. Recall is characterized by motor or even verbal skills, like recalling a dance step from High School, or a prayer from Kindergarten.
Another form of remembering is recognition. It is an act of recognizing someone or something familiar. An example of this is a witness in trial court asked by the judge to identify the thief by directly pointing to the suspect on the basis of familiarity.
Relearning is another form wherein it involves the "retooling" of modes of learning of some approaches of what was learned before. The last is reintegration. This is recalling of whole experience on the basis of some fraction of the original circumstances. For example, a woman may be reminded of her childhood and her experiences with her mother upon hearing her mother's favorite song, or may be reminded by smelling cookies her mother used to bake.
Through the complex process of learning all throughout our lives, our brains were able to remember countless learning from the past that we still perform or use at the present such as writing, using spoon and fork, biking, buttoning and many more.
We must challenge our brains by doing something different from our routines like answering crossword puzzles or Sudoku. We can even play word games with friends to increase vocabulary, or learn a new language! These activities stimulate our brain, thus we have to learn to remember.
After people leave school or higher education, they tend to think that the learning part of their lives is over and that it is time to put that knowledge to decent use to make some money and have a family. There are exceptions to this model, naturally, lots of them, but most people just stop learning and start working. Some jobs demand that the person doing the work goes on courses and keeps abreast of developments, but many do not. Regrettably, the part of the brain that learns, the medulla oblongata, has to have continuous stimulation, otherwise, it tends to hibernate and every time it goes into hibernation it gets harder to wake it up. Therefore, it is decent advice to not stop learning. Hobbies require constant learning and so do educational toys and puzzles. 'Use it or lose it' is an apt saying with regard to one's ability to learn.
Everybody has to solve problems every day, but these problems are not the same ones that our brains require to stay active. We tend to solve problems in our daily lives without having to think very much or having to do any study. Examples of the kinds of educational toys and puzzles that are beneficial are crossword puzzles, word games, and Sudoku. These educational toys and puzzles feature in most of the daily newspapers but some are simple and others are hard. If you buy a newspaper in which the puzzles are fairly easy, either switch to another newspaper or purchase mind games and puzzles books of the level that still test you.
This is the second-best approach, though, it is better to have the puzzles in the newspaper that you read everyday and carry around with you so that the mind puzzles are there with you whenever you need them. However, there are other types of mind games and puzzles that you might prefer. There are hundreds of portable games machines that you can put in your pocket or bag to be played in your dinner break or whilst traveling. We are thinking about 'shoot those ups' here, but instead portable chess machines, which allow you to play either the machine or another human. However, you might not like chess, but you might like draughts (checkers), or any of the dozens of other board games and card games, like bridge, that have been 'computerized'.
On a different level, there are hobbies that can produce the correct sort of mind puzzle to keep your mind stimulated. Programming is one, mathematics is another. Astronomy or bridge are others. If your child goes through a phase of illness and you are concerned that he or she may be lacking stimulation, Lego could be a solution. Lego is suitable for all age ages from babies using larger blocks to teenagers utilizing computer-controlled motors. There are loads of educational toys and puzzles for individuals of all ages, in fact there have never been so many, so simply go down to the mall and pick one out for yourself or your dear one.